Create your DREAM JOB and get up to $3,000 to run it! Get ready for Summer Company 2019.
What it’s all about
Work for the best boss ever. You! Summer Company helps full-time students who are 15 to 29 years of age and returning to school in the fall run their own summer businesses. It offers opportunities for students looking for a challenging summer entrepreneurial experience and provides a great way for students to take charge of their future.
Students! All you need is a great idea, a little initiative and the desire to be your own boss. Your business idea may involve setting up a recreational day camp, an organic vegetable store, a clothing design business or capitalizing on your favourite hobby. Summer Company provides hands-on business training and mentoring, plus awards of up to $3,000 to help you. Students who qualify receive:
Summer Company awards opportunities to students whose business ventures range from landscaping to a travelling tack shop. At the end of the summer, many of the students who have taken part in the program said that “the entrepreneurial skills they developed were more valuable than the money that they earned”.
Summer Company is offered through the Government of Ontario. It is part of the government’s commitment to raising awareness about the importance of entrepreneurship as a career option and the value of entrepreneurial skills in personal and career endeavors.
Applying to Summer Company is a competitive process. Space is limited and the program reaches capacity quickly – APPLY EARLY!
Complete the 3 step process to apply:
Once you have completed all 3 steps, email all 3 documents in to officially apply for the Summer Company grant program to
This program is available to any resident of Prince Edward, Hastings and Lennox & Addington Counties, and the Cities of Belleville and Quinte West.
Need more info? Just contact us!